Text or Call Support: +1 209-813-4006 or +1 206-973-7559

What's Included:

The GI Funnel system done for you: This funnel allows you to drive traffic to any link that you want for little to no cost to you. This is what helped me do over $887K - just this 1 funnel. 
Done-For-You: We setup everything for you to ensure you get the results in the shortest time possible. But....we also show you how to do things on your own so that you can use this to grow other funnels too.
List Building on Steroids: We show you exactly how to build a massive email list for little to no cost (and in some cases for free);
Free 60 Day Email Sequence: We give you the best emails that you can just copy-paste into your autoresponders to get free commissions. This, for GIFunnel users is BONUS INCOME since we get paid for clicks regardless - with or without sales.  
Get Clients: We also give you the best in industry training on how to find cash-in-hand clients who are already spending money.... how to attract them, retain them and do business with them multiple times so that the customer lifetime value increases (essentially meaning more $ for you...)
Free Ads in Facebook Groups? We also give you some quick places where you can post your ads for free on Facebook. 
Insider Access: We also give you free insider access to 2 of the biggest email web properties on the internet today; that helps you get sales and close deals that others aren't even aware of.
Fanatic LIFETIME Support: You get access to my tech team, my support team and even direct access to me for as long as you need.

Got a question? Reach out to me directly on my phone or create a ticket. I check everything personally and the support is how I've been able to produce so many success stories. I take this very seriously. 

100% Safe & Secure

Frequently Asked Questions:

What to do if Payment Fails & You have the money on your card?

We use Stripe for processing the payments made with debit/credit cards. It is a very safe platform for the buyers but unfortunately a little too stringent when it comes to processing payments. Something like a location mismatch also sometimes triggers Stripe's filters and the payment will not go through. It's simple to fix though.

If your payment does not go through and you have the funds available on the card - please give a quick call to your bank and notify them it was you trying to make the payment. Stripe's fraud prevention systems sometimes decline payments and just a quick call to the credit card company in 99.99% resolves this issue.

Once you inform the bank, try the payment after 5 minutes and it should go through smoothly. The access is provided instantly upon payment. 

Still having issues? Schedule a call with us - click here!

Is there a payment plan?

Nope, we don’t have a payment plan but there is something you can do about it. If you’re going to pay me using a credit card, you can put the entire sum on the card and make instalment payments or part payments to the credit card company. Essentially meaning you do get a payment plan, just not from me, but from the credit card company.

And you will be able to get a much lower monthly instalment when you do that. You’d probably just have to pay $200-300 bucks per month which is a way better plan that I can offer you.

How do I get in touch with the support?

You can go to https://prashant.support

Or email me at prashantysharma@gmail.com

Or Text me at: +1 209 813 4006 or +1 206 973 7559

Just click the button on the top of this page to schedule a quick call with me if you’re ready to join but have a few last minute question, I’m open to it and am always reachable.

Are there any other costs involved? Any monthly recurring payments?

No. There are no monthly recurring fees with us. I don’t sell anything else, no upsells, no other products - no shenanigans. The only recurring payments you’ll have are same as you would need for doing anything online i.e:

An autoresponder to store your leads and make you automated commissions.

A Click tracking tool because you’re going to be dealing with traffic and getting conversions.

A $2.50 WordPress hosting.

All the other costs are absorbed by us. We buy your domain names, setup everything, buy licenses to script and transfer everything to your accounts once it’s all setup. You’ll always have 100% control over your business when you start working with us.

How long does the setup take? 

The GI Funnel setup takes around 4-5 business days. As soon as you get into the program you’ll be given your login details, that part is instant. After that, it takes 4-5 days for everything to be setup and ready to make you sales.

Is there a guarantee? 

Yes and NO! See, you’re joining us for results and I know how to get them for you. Otherwise it is just not possible for anyone to have the kind of testimonials we have and in the volume that we have.

We guarantee that you get results with us because that is what you joined us for. So here’s my results guarantee - If within the first 6 weeks you don’t see any sales even after implementing the program, I will personally work with you in figuring out what went wrong, why you didn’t get results and ensure you get results.

This serves a 2 fold purpose, not only do you identify the problem that was holding you back, you also keep moving in the direction of profits. Because otherwise the alternative would be just getting into another program.

And if after 6 weeks and working with me YOU STILL don’t profit? I will give you 100% of your money back.

You are joining us for results and that’s what we tackle. 

How long does it take to get a positive return on my investment?

I cannot give you an exact number of days because (1) that’s not possible (2) I cannot do that legally.

But what I can do is tell you that from my past clients, it takes anywhere from 40-45 days for people to see substantial returns. I’m not talking measly $10-20 either. Genuine sales worth hundreds and even thousands the proves that not only the system works but it also gets consistent sales.

It could be a lot faster for you, could be a lot slower depending on your level of experience. It’s simple really, you got to learn how to walk first before you can start running. And if you’ve never made more than a few thousand dollars online - to hit your first $10K/month is going to take some time. It’s not going to be overnight - this is not a get rich quick scheme.

Can I promote my existing offers using the G.I Funnel?

Yes, you can simply copy paste your affiliate links inside the GI Funnel backend to automatically promote them if that’s what you choose to do with it. But selling traffic is the real power because you’re going to get the affiliate sales as free bonus money anyway, with the way we have things structured.

What if this is another GURU type offer? 

The real question you have is - is this time going to be different? I have helped a lot of people who were tired of spending money on courses, trainings and anytime they needed help they had to upgrade to the next level or send more money to the gurus.

The real answer to this question is if nothing changes nothing changes. You’re never going to make any progress sitting on the sidelines.

Can I start even if I have no experience? Or an Email list? 

Yes, we show you how to get started selling traffic even if you have no traffic experience, even if you’ve made no sales online yet, have no email list or any skills when it comes to conversions.

That’s what I specialize in and you get insider access to me, my team and our world class websites and trainings.

100% Safe & Secure

Prashant Sharma

Founder, GIFunnel

I am really looking forward to working with you. We have tons of success stories because we deliver and I want to help you out - if you want my help that is.... 

I completely understand that this is not for everyone but if it something that you're interested in - I'll have your back 100% (pinky promise).

Rated 4.9/5 by 1,679 students

"I got 2 sales within the first 3 days and then 15 sales in the first week....He shows you exactly what to do & how to do it. Highly recommended."

Matt Harris

From Pennsylvania, USA

"The training + support is just EPIC really. Glad to have people like you in the industry. I'm averaging a solid $150-200/day. Next Goal - $300/Day!"

Sullivan Bentham

From Seattle, USA

"A complete proven system, a solid platform, anybody can implement it, its very easy to do..."

Wayne Estes

From Arizona USA

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All Rights Reserved.  

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This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc. In the nature of transparency and authenticity, we do make a special offer at the end only if you'd like help actually implementing these tactics and strategies. Is it required? Absolutely not. Will you receive value & insight even if you don't want to work together? 100% yes. Some people will take this online training, implement it by themselves, and see great breakthrough. Some people will see what's possible, and know that working together is just what they need to get results even faster. It's completely up to you but we hope that you'll at least participate in the free training, use it, and let us know what you think! DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this landing page and discussed in this training are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. 

Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT ATTEND THIS TRAINING.


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